Thursday, November 22, 2007

Upcoming events

Shameless promotional message: I'm scheduled to appear Thursday, Nov. 29, on NPR's "On Point" program, from 11 a.m. to noon EDT. I'll be discussing my new book, Of a Feather, a history of birding and ornithology in America.

That weekend, I'll be giving the keynote for the Ohio Bird Conservation Symposium at Deer Creek Resort south of Columbus, and sponsored by the Ohio Ornithological Society and The Nature Conservancy. And on Tuesday, Dec. 4, I'll be addressing the Birmingham (Alabama) Audubon Society.


Julie Zickefoose said...

About daggone time you started a blog. Welcome to the machine.

Wiggling with delight at the prospect of an alpha male Science Chimp in our midst,


Scott Weidensaul said...

I feel as though I've jumped into the deep end of the pool, with people like Zick and BOTB chiming in -- thanks for the welcome...and for describing me (for the first time in my life) as an alpha anything.